We specialize in selecting CSM or platform solutions specifically for your business

What are CMS and frameworks and how are they used?
A CMS, which stands for Content Management System, is a software application used to create, manage and publish digital content on websites. It saves time and effort compared to manually coding and updating websites. Most often, CMS platforms are used for simple and standard websites.
A framework is a pre-built software architecture that provides a structure and a set of tools to facilitate the development of software applications. A framework may include features such as libraries, APIs, and other tools that help you build complex applications more efficiently. While CMSs are used to develop standard and simple websites, frameworks are designed for more complex websites.
What are the advantages of using these platforms?
Development speed
The use of CMS significantly speeds up the development of a website compared to creating a website from scratch. Since a significant part of the basic code and infrastructure has already been created, you can focus on customizing the appearance of the site and creating new content.
This CMS benefit allows businesses to create and manage digital content that meets their unique needs and preferences, and provides the ability to adapt and scale as those needs change over time.
Unique solutions and scalability
This CMS benefit allows businesses to create and manage digital content that meets their unique needs and preferences, and provides the ability to adapt and scale as those needs change over time.
Customized solutions
Frameworks provide a pre-built website structure that developers can use to create customized solutions without having to write all the underlying code from scratch.
Experience and expertise
At our company we understand the importance of choosing the right tools to create successful websites and applications. A CMS provides an intuitive interface and a number of powerful features that simplify the creation, publication, and management of content. At the same time, frameworks are incredibly useful for speeding up development time and providing a more streamlined code base. We have experience with various popular frameworks, including Laravel, Symfony, and Yii2. Our experts will certainly help you with choosing the right and useful platform for your business requirements. Whether it’s a framework or a CMS, our team has extensive experience in creating customized solutions that meet the unique needs of our clients. Our advantages include:
years of experience
CMS and platforms in use
complex custom development projects
Successful case studies
We are happy to share a few examples of our projects where we used frameworks or CMS:
smart delivery
Delivery platform. The MOVING web platform was created to combine various stores, supermarkets, shopping centers and restaurants on one platform.
The MOVING web platform contains 3 different user accounts:
- Stores
- Customers
- Delivery

Olala MENu
A platform for ordering food delivery. OlalaMenu is a web platform created to inspire chefs, cooks, restaurateurs, and delivery people to cooperate within one online platform.
A platform for ordering food delivery. OlalaMenu is a web platform created to inspire chefs, cooks, restaurateurs, and delivery people to cooperate within one online platform.
Development stages
At our company, we have extensive experience with various frameworks and CMSs, which allows us to choose the best tools for your specific needs. The stages of implementation of these technologies are divided into
Platform selection
We understand that choosing the right framework and CMS is a critical decision. We carefully consider and evaluate a number of factors to choose the right framework that will meet your business needs and provide the necessary features and capabilities.
Creating and installing a CMS or framework
The installation of frameworks and CMS is a critical stage that involves preparing our development environment, downloading and installing selected tools, and ensuring that all security measures are in place.
Setting up basic functions
This process involves creating templates and layouts for the website pages, setting up custom post types, and configuring any necessary plugins or extensions. We may also need to set up any necessary integrations with third-party tools.
Create the necessary modules
At this stage, we create custom modules or plugins to meet the client’s unique business needs. By closely monitoring the development process, we can make sure that our applications are stable, secure, and function properly.
Security and testing
At this stage, we create custom modules or plugins to meet the client’s unique business needs. By closely monitoring the development process, we can make sure that our applications are stable, secure, and function properly.
At our company, we rely on the power and flexibility of framework and CMS technology to create dynamic, adaptive, and scalable digital platforms that meet the needs of our customers and users.

Call to action
At our company we have extensive experience with various frameworks and CMS, which allows us to choose the best tools for your specific needs. Contact us today to learn more about our web development services and how we can help you build a secure and reliable online presence.
We understand the importance of digital technologies in the modern world, so we use frameworks and CMS to create effective and user-friendly solutions in a number of industries and areas of life.
- E-commerce
- Education
- Healthcare
Main questions and answers
Using frameworks and CMS platforms can help speed up development, improve code quality, scalability, ease maintenance, and offer more flexibility and customization options.
Non-technical users, small businesses, and content-focused websites can all benefit from using CMS platforms.
Web developers, startups and businesses can all benefit from using frameworks.
The time it takes to install a framework or CMS can vary depending on factors such as the complexity of an application, the hosting environment and the experience level of a developer.
Book a consultation with our expert
Viktor Salamakha
Co-founder, CTO
Vikro has been running an IT business for over 13 years. He has extensive experience creating and running startups and involving foreign investors. He has been engaged in IT innovations and AI development for the last two years.
Top Skills:
Business development and project innovation